What’s really happening when we’re triggered by someone or something? Sometimes we get mad at the person or the situation, but what’s really happening is we’re responding from patterns of habituation and past hurts and wounds that we never dealt with.

Nothing has meaning on it’s own, we give it meaning and how we give things meaning is through what we’re believing and how we’re feeling.

Many of us aren’t aware of where the upset comes from, we think it’s because of what’s happening today; it’s not. Our automatic responses come from the past, unresolved issues and ways we perceived which created deep seated beliefs.

Our reactions happen in a nano second, they’re learned patterns from previous experiences. I know, it sounds like a lot, but bare with me, if you really want to be free.

So, we get triggered and we point the finger “out there.” But, if we take a step back and move away from the perceived facts and let our energy show us what’s really happening, it will show us what we’re believing and/or what needs healing.

If we want to go even deeper and clear that root by shifting that energy/perception/point of view, we do this by moving back into the time where this idea/belief was created. When our younger self bought into misunderstandings about life, love and mattering.

This is where true healing and freedom takes place, it happens deep inside, where negative beliefs and our true selves collide. Until LOVE is flowing freely, we’ll keep getting triggered on our journey. This is to help us, not hurt us, so be careful about throwing a fuss. Also be careful about doing blame and shame, we’re all supporting each other in this earthly game.
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The universe wants us to grow and bloom into the most amazing version of me and you. The way this happens is by clearing the ideas that keep us trapped.

We do lift our vibration on focusing on joy and elation, but if we push away the sad or mad feelings when they arise, that’s not really loving and that energy stays internally and will come out to play again eventually.

The key is to embrace all of our feelings unconditionally instead of pointing the finger at another body, or running and numbing by using substances like food, drugs, alcohol or smoking.

It’s okay to be sad, it’s okay to be mad, it’s okay to feel however you feel today. The more we allow our feelings to flow and we listen to the messages they’re conveying, we can see, what’s going on internally, shift that energy and allow LOVE to flow more naturally, ahhhhh.

Feeling the truth at the core of our BEing happens naturally when we do the inner healing. So thank those people and situations who “trigger” they’re helping you see, what was blocking LOVE from flowing freely and giving you the opportunity to heal the inner debris and set yourSELF FREE.

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