What does “waking up really mean?”
Returning to the essence of our BEing/our authenticity.
It’s embracing our shadows and our light,
It’s seeing through compassionate LOVEing eyes.

When we start to “wake up” we start to heal
Through noticing our beliefs and our unconscious deals.
We become aware of our survival mechanisms,
And we make peace with the parts that created them.

When we start to “wake up” we start to see,
That all parts of our being are serving.
Our symptoms like anxiety, self sabotage or depression,
All are important messengers.

When we start to “wake up” we start to see,
That we can now learn how to do loving re-parenting.
We take time to listen to what our inner child is needing,
And we comfort them with acceptance and LOVEing.
We help them feel LOVED and safe,
We let them know that they’re now okay.

When we start to “wake up” we start questioning,
Our thoughts, beliefs and our conditioning.
We pause before reacting,
And we choose more loving ways of being.

When we start to “wake up” we start to see,
That our “flaws” are what makes us unique.
Our messy, is what makes us SEXY,
We see ourselves as a beautiful masterpiece.

Waking up is a process, it’s not forced,
It’s allowing ourselves to stay on our unique course.
It’s letting go of comparing and/or judging,
And being more kind, compassionate and LOVEing

We’re all in the process of becoming more conscious,
BEcoming more LOVEing and uncovering our true essence.
This journey called life has its ups and downs,
Smiles and frowns.
Hip pain can signify different problems, such as hip joint arthritis, tendinitis of the posterior hip, lower back arthritis, soft tissue injury, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, pinched or a combination of generico levitra on line buying this any of these issues.
Tears and joys,
Times where we say YES and times when we say no way.

We’ve all be conditioned to “behave”
And put our authenticity in a cave.
But today we’re waking up and seeing,
That we want to be true to who we BE.

We’re waking up and seeing,
That we’re a valuable part of humanity.
We’re waking up and seeing,
That each of us have something unique to bring.
We each have unique talents and abilities,
These are our gifts to this earthly reality.

Hold your inner child, let them know they’re LOVED,
This helps you feel relaxed in your body glove.
Give them your LOVEing attention and appreciation,
They hold the keys to your authentic expression.

You my LOVES matter,
Let this be your constant chatter.
Your uniqueness and the ways you shine,
Is a gift to this earthly rhyme.

Take a moment and breathe this in,
Let yourself return to who you’ve always been.
A beautiful, valuable and lovable soul,
FEEL this now from head to toe.

Bring to light that part of you,
That’s been covered in “emotional glue.”
It’s okay for YOU to come out to play,
You are LOVED and you are safe.

Right now, I invite you to see,
The beautiful being you were created to be,

LOVEing you my beautiful soul family

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