It’s easy to “BE here now” when we’re in meditation
But what about in our waking state in this earthly dimension?
When our minds are reacting to the appearances we see,
And creating a reality based on our programming.

When we have an over active nervous system,
From carrying past trauma, pain and affliction,
We’re often living in fight/flight/freeze,
Because our bodies are running on survival programming.

This is where our struggles come from,
Ya know, that hurt and pain that we “tried to numb.”
And when it gets activated we don’t know what to do,
Because we get stuck in the “emotional glue.”

So how do we break free from our conditioning,
So we CAN experience an amazing and beautiful reality?
So we can respond rather then react,
From past outdated “facts.”

It all starts with going inside,
And noticing the agreements in which we confide.
It’s noticing what’s really running our show,
From the thoughts, feelings and beliefs we hold below.

To know ourselves we must understand human behavior
And how our subconscious is “our savior.”
Everything we do,
Is somehow serving me and you.

Maybe we don’t see it that way,
That’s because our “survival mechanism is at play.”
This is an automatic way of being,
Until we heal by bringing LOVE to the parts that are hurting.

We don’t know those parts until we go within,
And we become our own loving friend.
These parts have been waiting for our attention and LOVE,
These parts are still in our body glove.

Being busy and doing may get things done,
But are we truly happy and having fun?
Do we have a sense of inner peace?
Are we really enjoying our life journey?

Are we doing to get love and acceptance,
Because that’s what we needed to do as children.
When we notice our survival patterns,
It’s important to move into compassion instead of judgment.

We can’t change what we don’t understand or see,
Healing starts when we love the parts of us that are hurting..
When our hurt and pain gets stored in our body,
It filters everything we experience and see.

Working with our emotional body,
Is how we experience true healing.
Otherwise we’ll live automatically,
Based on past hurt and pain.

By bringing the “unconscious” to the light,
We can create new understandings and new sights.
How? By connecting with our truth inside,
And making this the place where we confide.

This will help us create a new reality,
The reality where we’re connected to our true being.
Everything we see,
Is a reflection of you and me.

When we do the inner healing, we “grow up emotionally”
As many of us are still stuck in infancy.
Our physical age is NOT the same as our emotional age
And our emotional age is what’s “Keeping us in a cage.”

As we integrate all aspects of our being,
And learn how to emotionally regulate,
We start to feel more at ease,
Because we know we can handle however we’re feeling.

When little me, big me, higher self me becomes integrated,
We no longer feel or live from inner conflict.
Instead we see that everything that happens in our experience,
Is helping us heal and “awaken.”

Awaken to our true essence,
Awaken to the LOVE within.
Awaken to our inherent worthiness,
And help our inner children feel safe and LOVED.

Compassion is LOVE in action,
You are a beautiful, lovable and valuable “human.”
Life isn’t meant to be perfect and neither are we,
Every day is a learning and growth opportunity.

How can you be more kind to yourself today?
How can you live in a more compassionate way?
How can you let love lead,
And embrace yourself unconditionally?

I invite you to give yourself a break,
From trying hard to live a “perfect way.”
You are naturally loved and beautiful as you are,
Even with your wounds and scars.

Sending you lots of LOVE today and always,
My beautiful and amazing soul family 💖

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