Rapid Transformational Healing is a “whole”istic approach; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual; heart, mind, body, soul, it’s a journey of “returning home.”

It helps you experience a re-connection with your authentic expression, your souls loving essence, your inner wisdom and inner guidance.

It’s designed to help you uncover/discover disowned parts of you like your strengths, natural talents, gifts, abilities, authenticity and creativity.

It helps you experience a loving integration and heal unresolved issues, hurts and wounds, guilt and shame with compassion, self acceptance and self LOVE

Rapid Transformational Healing helps you understand what’s going on internally that may be creating emotional reactions, using coping mechanisms, addictions, anxiety, depression, self sabotage, chronic fatigue and any other symptoms you may be having.

It’s more than just using cognitive thinking, we’re working with your internal energy patterning because how our internal energy patterning is flowing IS how we’re creating + experiencing our reality.

If we’ve had traumatic experiences along the way that we haven’t processed, healed and resolved, that’s the age our emotional body is. Our mind/body is “stuck in perspective” and we’re still thinking, feeling, acting and reacting from those traumatic and/or painful experiences creating, recreating and experiencing the same painful feelings until that “internal energy pattern” is resolved and shifted.

Traumas aren’t always big events, a trauma could be being teased by your family or kids at school, your parent(s) constantly screaming at or ignoring you or denying your wants and needs and what you’re experiencing or telling you to stop feeling the ways you’re feeling and that you’re bad or wrong for being who you be.

Because of these experiences we created misunderstandings about ourselves and life like not feeling good enough, feeling unworthy or unlovable and these misunderstandings created “incongruent” energy. This incongruent energy is what creates inner conflict, resistance to what we say we’re wanting and filters what we think, feel and believe.

Our suppressed childhood memories/traumatic experiences are effecting us today, however, we may not know this consciously.

Those parts/our inner children want and need to be seen, heard, acknowledged, embraced, LOVED and given a new understanding so they/we can feel safe. Otherwise our system will “automatically” run on our past experiences creating feelings and false ideas of unworthiness, not being good enough or that there’s something wrong with us.

When our system isn’t flowing freely, eventually we become fatigued, less flexible, more rigid and “caught” in negative thought, feeling and behavior patterns.

Change and experiencing self love and inner peace happens more easily when we shift our energy patterning. We do this by going to the root cause and noticing where the “unwanted pattern lives” in our bodies and allowing new energy to flow through us that’s aligned with truth and LOVE.

Since energy can’t be destroyed, only transformed, when it shifts/transforms with unconditional presence, acceptance, loving and a new understanding, our awareness expands and we naturally start to be, see and do things differently that’s more in alignment with the truth of WHO we BE.

The greatest trauma/wound we’ve ever experienced, was being rejected for BEing authentic and abandoning ourselves to be LOVED and accepted.

Some of the benefits of Rapid Transformational Healing is that you’ll experience greater LOVE, acceptance and appreciation for yourself, others and your life experience.

You’ll experience a wonderful re-connection with amazing, beautiful, valuable and lovable YOU, you’ll feel more comfortable expressing the ways you naturally do, and you’ll start hearing and listening to your own wisdom that lives in you.

You’ll think more clearly, your intuition will flow more naturally, you’ll feel more relaxed in your body and what you want to experience, have and do will happen more easily for you.

Rapid Transformational Healing IS an important part of the healing journey because how our energy flows in our body “dictates” how we be, what we do and what we attract into our lives, it’s our “vibrational set point” stemming from what’s going on inside.

I’m not doing the healing for you, I’m doing it with you, lovingly, supporting and guiding you to those places in you that want and need acceptance, loving attention/healing, compassion and a “true understanding” and uncovering/discovering those parts of you that you disowned that are your greatest qualities.

In “essence” you’ll BE moving from self abandoning into self honoring, self LOVEing and authentically expressing.

To find out more about my six week Rapid Transformational Healing program, feel free to go to My Services

And/or feel free to connect with me to see how I can support you on your journey Contact Me

Debra Mittler

You Are Loved


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