Have you ever felt guilty for something? Perhaps you felt bad about saying something that you really wanted to say and then the person you said that to got mad at you.

One of my life lessons is around guilt. Ya see, I grew up in a family where it wasn’t okay to say how I felt, if I did, I would either got the silent treatment, I was told I shouldn’t feel that way or my family would get mad at me for feeling the way I was feeling and I would end up “feeling” guilty, saying I was sorry, feeling “wrong” and denying my own feelings

Soon enough as an adult I started denying how I felt and ended up trying to please everyone around me. By doing so, I became a people pleaser, I distanced myself more and more from my TRUTH inside and I hated myself and life.

Soon enough I felt guilty anytime I was honoring me and I started depriving myself of everything, including living. I became frightened to ask for anything I wanted because when I did it made my parents mad at me. “You ask for too much, you’re was selfish.”

Guilt was at the root of my eating disorder, depression, anxiety, self sabotage, self denial and self abuse. I felt guilty for living and BEing me.

So, what is guilt and how do we heal from it?
Guilt is not
Understanding that
It’s okay for you to
LOVE yourself, speak your
Truth and let it BE okay.

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It’s noticing where the guilt comes from; most often it stems from past experiences where you might have experienced what I did, of course there’s healthy guilt too, so it’s important to discern between the two.

If you choose, you can start to BE free from the guilt by noticing when you feel bad about wanting, feeling or saying something and you sabotage it or apologize for it because you don’t want the other person to be mad at you.

It’s okay if they get mad at you, the most important thing is for you to LOVE and honor you as long as you’re not hurting anyone deliberately, if this is so, it’s important to see why you want to do this to another human being, where is it that you’re not feeling safe?

They, whoever they is, say “If you think you’re so enlightened, spend some time with your family” This is the real test, well, if you grew up in the same kind of family as mine.

The truth is no one can “make us feel guilty” they may trigger something in us, an unhealed aspect from the past, so we can heal that part of us by bringing LOVE, compassion and understanding to it, which allows our energy to flow more freely and LOVE replaces the “guilty” feeling.

Guilt is the teacher, LOVE is the answer, by accepting, loving and forgiving we set ourSELVES free to experience peace, LOVE, joy and harmony.

BE easy on you, sometimes it takes awhile to heal the emotional glue, but once you do, you feel more relaxed BEing beautiful you and honoring yourself all the way through.

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