Perhaps we’re making things harder than they need to be. Why do we do this? Our conditioning. We’re trained out of our natural way of BEing and we follow what others are doing, so we can fit in and be accepted by our family, friends and society.

By doing so, we’re trying to be someone we’re not, fearing that one day we might get caught. Many of us turn to food, drugs or alcohol because we’re not feeling okay, well duh, we’re not living in our natural way.

We’re not honoring who we are and we’re running away from our heartfelt dreams and desires. Why? Maybe we don’t feel good enough or worthy to receive, shine brightly and experience an amazing life journey.

Some of us “create” symptoms like addictions, illness, anxiety or depression and this happens when we distance ourselves from our true essence.

So how do we get to know the truth of our inner glow? How do we return to our natural way of BEing where peace, LOVE, joy and authenticity flows naturally?

Awareness is the first step, then we can see where we can correct. Our symptoms are catalysts helping us see, where we’re out of alignment with our truth and well being.

Numbing ourselves with medication to mask the inner debation will never help us be free, it only prolongs our “suffering.” Allowing ourselves to feel our emotions IS the magic potion.

It’s not bad to feel angry, mad or sad, it’s our judgments about ourselves for having these feelings that makes us feel bad, get it?

If you’re like me, when I was younger “negative” feelings we’re not accepted and that left me feeling crazy and defected.

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Soon enough whenever those feelings would come to the surface, I would try to push them back down which created depression and nervousness. I turned to food, pills, cutting and suicide to try to escape the inner debate.

Our feelings are natural and want to flow, when we block them, we also block our inner glow. We can’t listen to what our feelings are conveying, if we’re trying to numb them or run away?

With unconditional LOVE and acceptance of ourselves, our lives and our feelings, we’ll experience a divine healing. Is this a process, you bet. Why? Our nervous system has been “trained” to be a certain way. Not only that, the symptoms we’ve created has made us feel safe and might be a way we’re getting secondary gain.

A part of us won’t let it go until we heal the hurt below. The hurt is unresolved issues that we pushed down, they got stored in our bodies and turned our smiles to a frown. If we truly want to BE free, we need to notice what’s going on internally and bring LOVE to the parts that are hurting.

When we do, our energy naturally flows from the light of our inner glow. The inner debate is met with compassion and understanding, which allows us to relax and shift/uplift that energy. When we create new perceptions and point of views, peace, LOVE and joy naturally flows through.

Is this an easy thing to do, perhaps it might be, but for many it can be scary. I’ve been through this myself and I’m glad I had the courage and strength to do it. Today I’m happy, healthy and free, I live from the light of my inner BEing; in my souls loving energy.

My “mess” became my message, it’s prepared me to do what I came here to do, assist beautiful souls like you in BEing happy and free, loving yourself unconditionally and living in alignment with the truth at the core of your BEing.

You can do this if you choose, I believe in you and I LOVE YOU

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