Do you ever second guess yourself and what you came here to do? If this is you, I get it, I’ve been there too. Why do we do this, when each of us have our own divine purpose?

We came here to shine in our unique way, and bring forth something new to this earthly play. This is how the world expands, we’re each given a “divine plan.” How we express and what we do, IS a gift to earth school.

So often we base our “importance” on how others perceive, the ways we’re bringing forth our natural talents and abilities. Nothing great came forth without criticism or rejection, ya gotta bear the “imperfection.”

This isn’t an easy thing to do, and that’s why many people give up too soon. It takes time to bring forth a new rhyme. Hey, it may or may not be accepted by the “human mind” and that’s what leaves us in a bind.

We want to be liked, we want to feel like we matter, we want to hear this from the worldly chatter. By doing so, our energy goes “out there” instead of staying centered in our core. It moves us away from our truth, and we start to do act in ways that aren’t in alignment with the essence of me and you.

When we value and honor the energy that wants to flows through, we’re fulfilled as we move through earth school. This is what really matters most, being our own loving host.

What does that mean? Letting our truth BE felt and seen and not worrying about how others perceive or how much “success” we achieve. When we let go of outcome and have fun along the way, life becomes more enjoyable day by day.

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When we allow ourselves to see, even more of who we were created to BE without “worrying” about what others think, we’re more likely to be an inspiration. Why? Because this is what people really want.

We all want to be okay with expressing in our natural way. Addictions, depression and anxiety happen, when we move away from our “natural fashion.”

For many of us this started early on, when we weren’t “allowed” to “sing our authentic song.” We were told our expression was bad or wrong and because we wanted to feel LOVED and belong, we decided to block our natural flow and keep it held deep below.

Oh my LOVES, it’s time to shine, you’re a gift, you’re one of a kind. Who you are is important and YOU MATTER, let this be your brand new chatter. LOVE the part of you who bought into the misunderstanding that you weren’t “cool.”
You’re more than cool, you’re amazing in every way, say this to yourself throughout the day. Go ahead, give yourself a high five and allow yourSELF BE felt and seen on this earthy ride.

See yourself as the universe see’s you, beautiful, LOVED and lovable all the way through. You CAN do this if you choose, I believe in you and I LOVE YOU.

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