Have you ever been afraid do something or ask for something you wanted?

Where does this fear come from? What’s the big deal about how “they” respond?

If you’re like me, or should I say; how I used to be, if they said “no” you took it personally and believed there was something wrong with you. You made up stories of why they said no based on the “negative” ideas you had about yourself inside.

Ya gotta ask yourself is that really true that someone can “reject” you? And if that is, why does that really matter?

The idea that you could be rejected comes from worldly chatter. The universe never rejects you, it LOVES and adores you all the way through, it created you and what really matters is that you’re loving and accepting beautiful you.

I know, I’m getting deep here, but until we understand the fear, we won’t change our automatic responses and habitual ways. This is what self awareness means, to look at the “unseen.” The beliefs we hold below that are creating HOW we’re living our earthly show.

I haven’t asked anyone out on a date in over 10 years because I was in fear. Why was I in fear? Was it fear of “rejection.” Well, I thought it was, but as I did my inner work I realEYESED that I was in fear of acceptance.

Urrghhhh, I know, it’s what we all want eh? Well, maybe, but if being accepted isn’t familiar then we’ll push it away no matter how many people accept us today.

The feeling of acceptance NOT being familiar often stems from our mother and father “rejecting” us and it became how we treat ourselves and what’s “familiar” when we interact with others. This is why learning how to LOVE and accept ourselves is key in BEing happy and free and to be able to receive LOVE and acceptance from other human beings.

Using logic and reason and saying affirmations might get ya through, but if ya don’t heal the emotional glue, something in you will sabotage what you get or what you say you want to have; yes, success, relationships and money all falls into that category.

If you say you want something and you then you say that don’t have the money for it, there’s a deeper part of you that’s not really wanting it, there’s secondary gain that’s going on in the inner plane. I know, it sounds silly eh?

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But our psychies don’t think rationally. they go by past experiences and deeper needs, which is often a cry out to be loved and accepted by our family and that means being the ways “they” think we should be.

Also, if we think these things are “bad” to experience, if we believe we’re “bad” for having them or something “bad” happened to us because of these experiences in the past, then there’s subconscious interference that’s creating the resistance, get it?

Everything we experience and do IS serving me and you, even if we don’t understand it consciously. This is why doing the inner work IS what sets us free, we need to shift our internal energy by giving the part of you and me acknowledgement, understanding and LOVE and loving.

When we do, it will reveal to us why it’s doing what it’s doing; it really thinks it’s helping, yes, even the illness, depression, addictions, anxiety or running away from what your heartfelt dreams, there’s an “positive” reason why we’re doing what we’re doing.

When we stop trying so hard to make something happen, and instead we relax into the idea that we’re meant to experience our heartfelt passions and we acknowledge the part that’s throwing a fuss (the symptoms) we’ll have a better understanding of what’s really happening.

Once we do, we can heal the emotional glue and shift that energy so things CAN flow more naturally and we CAN have what we say we want in our earthly reality; alignment is key.

This might sound simple, but everything is energy and when our energy is flowing freely, magic starts to happen on our journey. But really, when we’re feeling the TRUTH at our core, we no longer NEED that stuff anymore and when we no longer NEED it or throw a fit if we don’t get it, most often we receive what we want or something that’s better suited for our life journey.

BE easy on you my LOVES, question what you’ve learned, you do have the option to discern. Do the inner work and build your confidence and self esteem, you’re worthy and deserving of living your dreams and experiencing peace, LOVE, joy, abundance and harmony.

Remember, fear and excitement have the same energy, our experience will depends on what we say it means

LOVEing you beautiful souls

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