Whenever we’re starting or growing our business, getting into a new relationship, going after our goals and dreams, breaking free from an addiction, depression or anxiety, it will challenge you and me.

Our unresolved issues, fears, limitations, past hurts and wounds will come to the surface AND this is a good thing, it’s helping us BE FREE so we can feel the TRUTH at the core of our BEing and flow more easily with our souls loving energy.

In order to get to know more of ourSELVES, what we can BE, have, experience and do, we’re going to have to step out of our comfort zone into the unknown and allow ourselves to stretch, learn and grow.

Many people just stay in status quo, it’s easier because it’s what we know. But, is it really? Maybe, if we have a fear of what others might say, a fear of failing, even a fear of success or we don’t think it’s okay for us to live our best

Urrghhhh eh? Don’t fall into that trap today. You’re stronger then you’ve allowed yourself to be, we can always discover more of our capacity IF we’re willing to move through the mental and emotional glue and try something new.

I know, we all want it to be easy, well, it can be when we make it a game. Everything we experience is because of what we say things mean. If we’ve had experiences in the past that didn’t turn out in a good way, then most likely we’ll push what’s similiar away, yes, even money, LOVE, success and living our best. (this is often happening unconsciously)

Urgghhhh again eh? How do we ever grow if we just keep doing the same things in this earthly show and we don’t take a look at what we’re holding below.

How can we know what a deep soul LOVE relationship is like if we’re filled with hurt, pain or fear and we run from getting close to someone? Of course, the most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves and for me it’s also with the LOVE of the divinity.

But many of us push away a deep soul LOVE connection or just a connection with another being because of past hurts and pains. How do I know, I did this for many years, I stayed away from getting close to anyone so I wouldn’t be “hurt again” or be triggered and feel the trauma I experienced when I was little.

I thank everyone who triggers me, even though they often don’t do it intentionally. They’re angels in disguise, helping me see, what’s going on internally that’s asking for acknowledgment, LOVE and healing.

We never know what will trigger anyone eh? That’s why trying to please anyone or trying to do or say the “right thing” is wasted energy.

If you’re feeling stuck and in a rut. If you’re struggling with an addiction, depression, anxiety or fear, I get it, I’ve been there too, know that you CAN break through once you heal the emotional glue and listen to the messages these symptoms are conveying to you.
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It might not feel good when you’re healing, but once ya get through, you’ll feel so much more LOVE and freedom inside of you.

It’s only our own judgments, fears and pains from the past that keeps us stuck and living in a rut. If this is you, here’s something you can do. Be with that part of you in a compassionate and loving way, listen to it and what it has to say. Let it tell you what’s going on inside of you and ask it what it needs in order to feel safe, LOVED and at peace in your body glove.

If I can do it after struggling with anorexia, compulsive eating and exercising, depression, being suicidal and acting in self destructive ways for over 23 years, you can too. But you have to be willing to allow yourself to feel your feelings.

You have to be honest with yourself and take a look at how you’re taking care of your body and your health. You have to find some courage in you to face what might be uncomfortable for you and try something new.

Here’s the simple truth, if you have a goal, a dream, a desire, you feel something igniting your internal fire, that’s your spirit speaking to you, saying “Hey, this is right for you today.” Perhaps it’s telling you that you’re now ready to heal what you’ve pushed down long ago, so you can BE FREE to enjoy your earthly show.

Here’s an important note; healing happens when we’re ready, it’s not about pushing ourselves or looking for things to heal, they’ll naturally be revealed at the right time. Our human mind gets impatient and wants to be free “now” but sometimes we’re not mature enough to handle very painful stuff.

Layer by layer we get free, that’s the beauty of this life journey. As we get stronger or sometimes in our weakest times, when we’re brought to our knees, the pain will be faced by you and me.

If we feel stuck it’s because our energy is blocked inside, a part of us is frozen in time and we keep responding from our past hurt, trauma and pain and this is limiting what we CAN experience in this earthly game.

By healing the inner debris by bringing LOVE to the parts that are hurting, we can create a more empowering way of BEing where we’re truly happy and free.

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