It’s amazing to me when I talk to people and they start telling me about their dreams, and then within a few seconds they talk about why it “can’t” BE.

Why does this happen? Fear of change? Fear of the unknown? Fear of failing? Fear of being made fun of? Fear of not knowing how you’ll be provided for? You name it, it’s fear and most often that fear comes from past experiences where we’re been hurt or we fear lack, losing our “identity” or how we’ve known things to be.

Have you ever been afraid of something and you did it anyway and it turned out to be pretty cool? You actually found it wasn’t as scary as your mind believed it would be, in fact you actually enjoyed it, you found out you could do what you’re mind told you couldn’t be done and it was really fun.

Change can be scary, but ya know what’s even scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from learning, growing, evolving and getting to see even more of WHO you were created to BE.

Mistakes and “failure” are part of the process, it’s how we learn what’s feels right for us. The trouble starts when we allow the experience of “failure” to define us instead of letting it be a part of the process.

When we first learned to walk, ride a bike, etc. we fell down A LOT, but we got back up and look at us today. It’s the same with everything in life, sometimes it takes awhile to learn and once we do, we’ve created a new groove in our bodies and minds and we think “hey” I CAN do this today.

How do we break through the fear and go for it anyway? There’s a few ways you can do this today;
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Write out what’s the best that could happen.

Talk to the fear, ask it what it’s afraid of? Most often it will take you back to a time where something happened that you were hurt or had a bad experience. Forgive and heal that part of you by bringing LOVE, compassion and understanding to the emotional glue.

Think of a success you had in the past, really re-live that memory, let those feeling permeates throughout your entire being, remind yourself that you CAN and things do work out for you.

Since fear and excitement is almost the same energy, let the idea of this being exciting guide your journey.

Hey, we never know what will happen in our earthly show. We can’t control the circumstances, we CAN control how we feel about them. When we take our power back instead of surrendering to “outdated” facts and we allow ourselves to take a chance and see, something magical happens in you and me. We start to feel alive inside and really enjoy the journey on this earthly ride.

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