Have you ever been in LOVE? I know it’s such a GREAT feeling eh? We feel like we’re on top of the world, we feel like we CAN do anything, we feel invincible, unstoppable, everything seems possible.

There’s orgasmic energy running through our bodies, even if we’re not having sex with our “hottie.” What’s happening, where is this energy coming from? Is it coming from what we’re saying it means to BE in LOVE with another beautiful BEing?

Are we projecting the LOVE that’s been activated in me and you, onto another soul in earth school? Imagine what it would be like to experience this LOVE each and every day, whether we’re with or without a “hottie/body” in this earthly play.

Some people believe we need another body to achieve this state of BEing, it’s what we’ve been taught in this earthly reality. Is that true? I remember the first time I fell in LOVE with a flower, yes, a flower, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

What was really happening inside of me? I cleared a lot of the inner debris and brought LOVE to the parts that were hurting in me, which allowed LOVE to flow freely. This LOVE in me was being projected onto the flower that I was seeing.

At first I was kinda freaking out because it was new and weird for me, as I also started falling “in LOVE” with everyone and everything.

I also began to feel happy, not because of anything that was happening in my reality, I was just happy. I was like WTF is going on here? It was then that I REALized that I was living from my TRUTH inside. I was finally moving through my conditioning and feeling the essence of my souls loving energy.

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This is what happens when we stop judging ourselves and we start loving ourselves. When we heal from our past experiences, that created subconscious interference. When we become aware of our childhood survival mechanisms and how they “kept us in a trance” and protected us from the inner fuss. By going into the inner fuss, and bringing compassion, LOVE and understanding to the parts that are hurting, this my LOVES sets us FREE.

Spirituality IS about self awareness. It’s not just about meditating and doing yoga all day, it’s about becoming aware of who we’re BEing in this earthly play. It’s about being a compassionate observer and YES our own best friend/LOVER. It’s about recognizing our conditioning and noticing whether or not it’s truly serving, and resonating with what we KNOW to BE true about me and you.

It’s about making loving choices instead of listening to the fearful voices. It’s NOT about making ourselves bad or wrong for feeling the ways we feel or doing what we do, as we’re all doing our best with what we’ve been taught in earth school.

Life BEcomes even more AMAZING when we start to live from our souls loving energy. There’s no more chasing, no more proving, we’re just flowing with our natural energy. We feel awake, alive, expansive and free, LOVE and beauty is all we see.

We embrace the right/wrong, happy/sad, good/bad equally, we’ve blended this worldly duality. We no longer beat ourselves up when things don’t go our way or care if we win or lose, because we know that everything is serving me and you, woohooo!

LOVEing you beautiful souls

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