What is fear? What is anxiety? They’re automatic responses coming from subconscious programming. Our bodies are having a re-action to an internal dissatisfaction.

Most often we’re not in control of what our bodies do, our heart races and/or our bodies shake; we’re having an internal debate.

What does that mean? What’s happening internally is we’re responding from a past hurt or memory. There’s discord stemming from something we learned or experienced before.

What’s the difference between a real fear, meaning we’re really in danger, or a perceived one, meaning, the things we think will happen if we say or do…… A big difference, however, sometimes the things we fear do feel like real danger to us, and that’s why our bodies throw a fuss.

For instance; public speaking is a big one where many people have these feelings. Why? We’re subjected to other peoples eyes and their opinions about how we “should” be in order to be accepted and LOVED by humanity.

If we think that’s important, then our energy goes out there and internally we’re feeling “beware.” That beware is what’s creating those unwanted feelings and sensations, which is stemming from subconscious programming.

Perhaps you were in a situation when you were younger where people made fun of you and now whenever you have the opportunity to be in front of people, you get “triggered.” That trigger is showing you something in you, where your energy got stuck, I call this emotional glue.

This is what happens to many of us, we’re having an internal fuss, but we don’t think about that, we just try to “push through” or we take a pill or something that helps us soothe.

The pharmaceutical companies are thriving today, because so many people have the symptoms of fear, depression and anxiety. Taking a pill is a quick fix, but if we’re taking a pill, it’s no different then drinking or eating to try to numb our pain, what’s important is to listen to the messages our symptoms are conveying, that’s asking for acknowledgment, LOVE and healing.

The pomegranate molecule has been found to be particularly effective in dealing with find out for source (levitra on line) the fears of the person and reaching a solution by self for dealing with these problems.
As long as we’re separating ourselves; meaning, only accepting the parts that we like and trying get rid of the ones we don’t, we won’t get to see, how every part of us is serving and has something valuable to offer us, yes, especially the parts that are throwing a fuss.

If we’re fragmented, we’re living in inner conflict, never really feeling at peace, because we’re trying to run from the “inner beast.”

Most often the reasons why we’re acting the ways we do, won’t make logical sense to me and you. Why? The logical mind is just that, it uses logic and reason, but our emotional body isn’t logical, it’s how we feel.

Our emotional body is like a little child, it understands through feelings. It wants to feel okay, it wants to feel LOVED and accepted in this earthly play. Easy peasy eh? Well, if we’ve been practicing another vibration, like self hate, then, I think you know what I’m going to say eh?

Everything we think, feel and do, stems from how we FEEL inside of me and you. When we feel LOVED and lovable, that becomes our earthly fable. If we feel wrong or not okay, we’re disconnected from the truth at the core of our being and most often we’ll have struggle, fear, depression or anxiety.

This is why doing the inner work IS more beneficial than just taking a pill. Of course you have to honor your belief system and I would question that too, because we have so many people telling us what’s right for me and you, and they’ve conditioned us to believe in certain “rules.”

I question everything, especially the things that happen “to me.” I don’t use food, drugs or anything anymore, instead I listen to my body, what my symptoms are telling me that’s asking for LOVE and healing so I CAN live in alignment with the TRUTH at the core of my being and allow LOVE to flow freely.

LOVEing you beautiful souls

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