There’s a sweet and precious little child in you and me, that wants to BE accepted and LOVED unconditionally. It’s in those times when we’re feeling hurt or sad, angry or mad that our little child is saying “I want and need your loving.”

If we push aside how we’re feeling, then our inner child just keeps on hurting. Until we heal our trauma/unresolved issues, they’ll stay in our bodies tissues. They’ll come up along the way, by someone saying “hey” or something disturbing happening in our earthly play.

By noticing when we’re triggered, instead of pointing the finger, a better option is to see, what’s going on internally, that’s asking for compassion, LOVE, understanding and healing.

If we’re not doing inner child work, then we’re just putting a mask over the original hurt. Eventually that hurt will show up in our relationships, work and/or as illness, addictions, anxiety, depression, issues with money, resistance, ya know those “unwanted symptoms.”

When our inner child feels safe, accepted and LOVED, we feel more relaxed in our body glove. They ARE the ones running the show, “they” meaning they’re the “energy” of the beliefs and ideas we hold below that we created long ago.

For some of us we bought into the ideas that we’re unworthy or unlovable and now we “find” ways to affirm those beliefs by consciously or unconsciously self sabotaging, resisting/not allowing ourselves to have what we’re truly wanting, and/or attracting people who “reject” you and me.

It’s not “what” happened to us when we were younger, it IS about what we concluded it meant about us, get it? What do I mean? If something or many things happened to us and the meaning we put on those situations we’re that we were “Bad, wrong, flawed, selfish, unlovable or unworthy” then those are the core beliefs that are creating our reality.

So, how do we shift that energy so our lives can flow more naturally so LOVE can flow more freely and we can FEEL more connected to the TRUTH at the core of our BEing? That’s a great question, because it’s not about conscious effort, pushing through or just saying an affirmation.

It’s about bringing compassion, LOVE and understanding to the parts that are hurting. This is what I call inner child work and why I say “Our inner child is running the show.” They created a way to keep them/you safe, even though to the human eye, it may not make sense why.
This often occurs when some of the formulations have been commander cialis prepared with excess lead quantities, above the regulated standards.

Using logic and reason may be pleasing and may get you through a season, but if you really want to BE more FREE, it all starts with healing the inner debris.

How do we know what parts are hurting? By noticing our actions and re-actions to things that make us upset, fearful, hurt or angry. Sometimes we want to blame the other person for how we feel, but what’s really happened is “they” activated our “unconscious deals” that have been waiting to BE LOVED and healed.

Those childhood wounds that we tried to keep on a cocoon IS what’s creating “resistance” for me and you. We decided to protect ourselves from how we felt, so we buried it deep below, but that energy can’t be contained, it will be shown to us in this earthly game.

We’re meant to be free, LOVE ourselves unconditionally, express naturally and experience a joyful, abundant and loving life journey, and this all takes place by noticing what’s going on internally, that’s asking for LOVE and healing.

When we learn how to BEcome our own loving father and mother, we become our own savior. When we shift that energy that’s been blocking the flow from feeling the light of our inner glow, we allow ourselves to experience what we “really” want to experience in our earthly show.

I know, sounds easy peasy eh? Well in a sense it is, but we got to be willing to go within to see, what’s “Really” going on internally.

The only way out is through, healing the emotional glue so more peace, LOVE, joy, happiness and creativity CAN flow through. You can do this if you choose, I believe in you and I LOVE YOU.

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