I remember when I first became consciously aware of my body, I didn’t like it, I projected all of my negative feelings onto it and slowly destroyed it bit by bit.

I constantly ate as a child and I was teased for being fat and ugly. Then at age 15 I became anorexic and starved myself and beat up my body. For over 20 years I forced myself to exercise all day long, I cut my arms and face with razor blades and I berated myself with words of self hate.

I thought “only if I was thin enough then people would LOVE me” I built my confidence and self esteem according to what I weighed. The problem with that was I was never thin enough, even when I weighed 80 pounds, I still saw myself as that fat little girl who was teased and criticized by my family and society.

I didn’t let anyone to pictures of me, especially when it included my body, as you can see, now I’m free. Hey, why in the underwear though eh? Well, it’s a way I’ve released my fear and shame. It’s no different than a bathing suit to me, it’s a way I’m sharing about loving ourselves and our bodies.

It’s amazing to me, how many of us base our confidence and self esteem by how we look physically, It’s also amazing to me how many of us feel shame about our bodies and/or abuse our bodies with stress, eating poorly and/or shoving our faces with food, over working, drinking alcohol excessively or smoking.

It’s been a process for me to LOVE and accept all of me, especially my body.
A few years ago I held myself and said to my body with tears running down my face;
“I’m sorry for hurting you and treating you with haste.”
As I closed my eyes I asked my body to forgive me,
And to help me to treat it more lovingly.
As I did this I cried even more,
The tears were flowing like never before.
I didn’t realize how much pain I created,
And I wasn’t really aware of how much I hated.
Hated myself and blamed my body for the ways,
That I didn’t feel safe or okay in this earthly play.

Can you relate? How do you take care of your body today? Do you speak to it in loving ways and thank it for helping you move through this earthly play?

“Thank you eyes for helping me see, thank you legs for helping me move along this life journey. Thank you ears for giving me a way to hear. Thank you hands for helping me write, type and create wonderful things and thank you arms for giving me a way to hug my fellow beings.
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Thank you lips for helping me kiss, thank you voice for helping me sing and speak, thank you tongue for helping me taste, thank you heart for flowing LOVE, through my body glove.

Thank nose for helping me smell, thank you lungs for helping me breathe, thank you body for being healthy and giving me a way to dance and let my spirit express through me. Thank for those parts of me, that give me pleasure daily.

These are just a few ways, we can feel grateful for out bodies eh? It’s also important to nourish all parts of our being, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, It’s all connected, we can’t ignore one part without the other being effected.

Being honest with ourselves IS key and so is loving and accepting ourselves unconditionally. Hey, if you’re abusing your body today, the first step it acknowledge that you’re doing so, then see, how it’s serving. Yes, there’s always a positive purpose or perhaps secondary gain, to what we’re doing.

Whatever comes up for you, please be easy on you, you’re not bad or wrong for what you do. Sometimes it’s a way we’ve learned to cope and survive, as we move along this earthly ride. I know for me, what I was doing was serving, it was a “survival mechanism” that worked until it didn’t.

Our bodies are sacred, they’re not meant to be abused, they’re meant to be cherished, LOVED and appreciated all the way through, it’s our vessel for our “spiritual” as we move through earth school.

LOVEing you beautiful souls

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