Why are we so afraid to feel “unpleasant” feelings today. We wouldn’t if we weren’t told that they were bad or wrong or that we were bad or wrong for having them.

It’s all energy, we say what things mean and what we say things mean, determines how we’ll experience our life journey. Did ya know that fear and excitement are almost the same energy moving through our body? Did you know that it takes more energy and often creates anxiety when we’re trying to stop or run away from a thought or feeling, then letting it flow naturally?

Our thoughts and feelings are revealing to us what we’re believing and that’s a good thing. It shows us where our conditioned responses are in or out of alignment with the truth at the core of our being. It shows us past hurts and wounds that we tried to keep on a cocoon, but most people don’t want to go there, they’d rather keep it buried inside and just go about their day on this earthly ride.

What causes energy blockages is NOT the energy itself, it IS resisting it from flowing through and holding onto the emotional glue “mostly unconsciously” which is filtering everything we see and creating how we act and react in this reality

We learn “Law of attraction” which states what we put out comes back to us, which means we’re “not allowed” to have an “internal fuss” or we’ll be “punished.” So, we try to get rid of it right away, cause we don’t want to “be punished eh?”

Hmmmm, I wonder where this all comes from. Do you really think the universe will “Punish” you and me and hold back our “blessings” if we’re sad, mad or angry?

We’ve learned to see life as a reward or punishment. “If I’m good, good things will happen to me.” “If I’m bad, bad things happened to me, I’ll get punished and what I want will get withheld.”

We learned that if we exert enough control, we can only have the good things in life and keep the bad things away. We learned that what happens to us is a result of how we are. We think life punishes us when we’re bad or sad and rewards us when we’re good or when we’re thinking good thoughts.

I’ve received many wonderful blessings during a time of pain and misery and I’ve also had sh……t happen when I was happy.

Where did we learn this way of thinking? From our parents and/or society. I was walking through the park the other day and overheard a man say to his little girl “If you’re not good you won’t get a treat.” Meaning; if you’re not acting the way I want you to, you won’t get a treat. All she was doing was jumping up and down, having fun and laughing.

This can create a huge misunderstanding in her little mind, that it’s not okay to do what comes naturally and she might go even further to think “It’s not okay for me to be me” if she is, she’s bad and if she’s bad, no treat or even worse “no loving” and to a child loving is survival.

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She learns through that experience that she needs to be someone else and starts to distance herself from her true SELF. She starts people pleasing, making sure she “does the right things” She starts to fear getting dad mad, and if she does, she feels guilty and bad.

Ya see how the cycle starts for you and me, everything we learned as little beings, becomes our blueprint for our lives, and it becomes the ways we “BE” on this earthly ride.

I had that happen to me when I was younger and it created so much doubt and fear, that anytime I wanted to express naturally, I suppressed that energy, soon I became a depressed being, not able to engage in life in the ways that were natural for me, which made me want to “flee.” I did try to take my life many times and lived a self sabotaging earthly ride.

I hated myself because I was acting in accordance with who everyone else wanted me to be, I wasn’t honoring me, and felt anxious being in my body.

Many people still believe this today, that how they’re truly feeling isn’t okay. So they suppress or deny, and push it down inside. This my LOVES is what creates suffering in you and me, not allowing our energy to flow naturally.

However you’re feeling today IS perfectly okay. All feelings come and go, they’re messengers showing us what we hold below. Denying the feeling doesn’t make it go away in our body, it’s energy that has a “label” to how it’s flowing.

The root of all these ideas is the idea of feeling LOVED or unloved according to how we act, and this is what makes us feel bad, it’s not about getting or not getting the reward, that’s only the symbol.

We wouldn’t really care if we got things or not if we didn’t have an attachment/meaning that says, “I’m good, LOVED, I’m bad, unloved.” By going to the original hurt and seeing where we bought into these ideas about ourselves and reality, we can shift that energy with a new understanding, compassion and loving and a knowing that no matter what happens, we’re still LOVED and lovable beings.

You are LOVED beyond measure, you’re a gift a golden treasure. Get to know the real you, you’re amazing and beautiful all the way through.

LOVEing you beautiful souls

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