What dose it mean to “trust the process?” This is something we hear all the time eh? We hear it but what do we do, some of us still try to control our worldly view. Trusting the process means that we trust that where we are today is perfect for our journey in this earthly play.

The problems arise when we start to believe in lies. “I’m not doing enough, I need more to be happy, I’m not where I need to be. etc.” According to who? Where are we getting our information from and who are we comparing ourselves to?

Our journey is NOT going to look like another’s, we can get upset about what we’re going through or we can see the silver lining, the gift in the experience we’re having. Judging, comparing and believing in facts is an internal attack.

It might not be easy when we’re going through a challenging time. I remember when I was really struggling and I didn’t like being alive, I had so much pain and hurt inside that it seemed easier if I would die. I felt like I was in a cage, I had so much anger and rage. I despised watching everyone else be happy and free and I was living in misery.

Sometimes when we’re in it, it seems like we’ll be in the gunk forever, and we think that it’s how life will always be, but oh my LOVES, this isn’t true, if I can get through, you can too. I lived in pain and misery for over 30 years, I starved my body and I tried to take my life many times, but this didn’t work, I guess something in me knew that I would eventually get through.

Looking back at my life, I can see, how everything really served me and prepared me for my purpose on this life journey. Without my own experience I wouldn’t have the great understanding, LOVE and compassion for others who are going through the things I went through.
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This is why I always say, everything is serving us in this earthly play. Yes, the “good/bad/ugly” everything is serving us in this earthly reality and everything works together for good. When we open our spiritual eyes, we’ll see the truth instead of lies.

Are you ready to trust the process today and make peace with yourself in a loving way. To know that you’re supported and LOVED, you’re a gift sent from heaven above.

Loving you beautiful souls

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