Never, ever, ever let a human diagnosis or an idea limit you. There’s so much more going on then what we’re seeing, by doing the inner healing, we can have a Divine revealing.

Dontcha give up if you’ve been diagnosed with an illness, been struggling with an addiction to food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes etc. if you have pain in your body or you’ve been “labeled” with depression, bi-polar etc. throw those labels away and be careful about taking drugs too, that just puts poison in you.

There’s so much more about YOU then you know. Sometimes we get labeled something and we believe in the power of “it” more then the power of ourSELVES, our GOD/source loving energy that lives in you and me.

Many times when we’re “labeled” something we start to act in accordance with that label and “it” becomes our identity and we start to live in that reality.

No, no, no, don’t let yourself go there my LOVES, I did, I know what it’s like, when we’re in it it’s hard to see another way, but there is, don’t give into that fear today. There’s a part of YOU that’s healthy and whole, the more you focus on it, the more it grows, this is your truth, let it flow through.

Yes, illness, addictions, pains (physical or emotional) fatigue and any other diagnosis are real to the human eyes and are showing us where we’ve disconnected from our truth and aren’t allowing life’s loving energy to flow through.

Sometimes we go through situations because it’s part of our souls destination. It’s preparing us for what we came here to do, like me; I healed myself from a 30 year struggle with anorexia, over eating, depression, being suicidal and being addicted to drugs and now I’m helping others BE FREE. Without my own experience, I wouldn’t know what it’s like nor would I have the wisdom and tools to take someone else through.

We can go to school and get a degree and try to follow a book on healing, but that never worked for me, the “professionals” didn’t really know how to help me, I spent 30 years doing the same thing. The best healers to me are the ones who have gone through the “suffering” and have come through, they have the “experience” to help others too.

Our “addictions, illness, body pains etc.” are catalysts that are helping us evolve and let go of past hurts and wounds that we’ve kept in a cocoon. They’re showing us areas where we have unresolved issues that are asking for a healing, so we can BE free to live from the light and LOVE of our Divinity.

If we listen to the message(s) that these ailments are conveying, they’ll show us what’s going on in the inner plane. Areas where we’re out of alignment, not feeling okay or where we’re holding unforgiveness, anger, resentment or self hate, that’s draining our energy, and blocking LOVE from flowing naturally.

If we listen, they’ll also give us the solution to what we need, so we CAN BE FREE, this is where it can help to get assistance from someone like me, if you don’t feel comfortable feeling your feelings.

Once we lovingly embrace and listen to those parts of us that are trying to get our attention, instead of masking them with drugs, food or medication, we’ll be able to notice what’s really going on inside, the places that we didn’t want to look at and wanted to hide.

We came here to BE free, everything’s serving you and me, we’re divinely guided by our inner BEing and our inner BEing gives us opportunities to see what’s going on in the inner plane. How? By what I shared above. illness, addictions, anxiety, emotional pain or pain in the body, all these things are signals coming from our inner BEing, helping us to BE FREE.

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Yes, our inner BEing guides us in “positive” ways too, it’s important to embrace all the ways it’s guiding me and you.

So, when you hear that voice saying “what’s the use, everything I do never works” take a step back and remove yourself from the “worldly” facts. Tune into the TRUTH of you who’s perfect, whole and complete all the way through.

This is how I healed myself and you can too. When I was anorexic, everyone gave up on me, including my family, no one thought I would ever get better, neither did I and I bought into their lies and they pretty much left me to die.

I wasn’t aware that I could change and people treated me like a crazy human being. They treated me in ways that made me feel hopeless every day. Yes, the “professionals” too, ya know, the ones who are “supposed to help me and you.”

Urgghhh, what happened to me, happens to so many. There’s no book to follow in healing my LOVES, also no one has the answers but you, although others can assist you in listening to your truth and this is what I do with beautiful souls like you.

There’s a power, a presence, a light and LOVE in you and when you experience this truth and you live from this space, the things you thought we’re impossible goes away, and your natural joy, fun, creativity, LOVE and possibilities come out to play.

So many of us hide this part of us. Why? We spent so many years “practicing” something else, “the small self.” The ideas and labels put on us or that we created about who we are and the more we thought and acted in that way, the more it became our identity in this earthly play.

Healing is taking care of all parts of our BEing, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. This is how we come back into balance today and allows our energy to flow in its more natural way.

When our truth is realEYEZID we start to see beyond the worldly lies. The LOVE that lives in me and you is more powerful then anything we unnaturally do.

I have a saying, in the healing is the loving, in the loving is the healing, this is when we experience our true revealing. This is the place where the energy of LOVE lives, this energy doesn’t know anything about the worldly biz. When we find our connection to the LOVE of the Divine, to me, this is the greatest treasure we’ll ever find.

I’ve found this space inside of me and you can too, if you would like assistance this is what I do. I assist beautiful souls like you in aligning with your truth. Together let’s live in peace, joy and LOVE, just like the Angels in heaven above.

You CAN do this, I believe in you and I LOVE YOU

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