3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, forget the D’s, how FREE do you want to BE? What is your soul saying about your life in this earthly game? Who do you KNOW yourself to BE and how do you want to experience your earthly reality?

Activate that part of you, who is powerful, strong and knows what you want to experience and do and let it guide you. I know, sounds easy peasy eh? Well, it does get easier once we heal the inner debris, then our energy flows more naturally.

Who are you when no one is looking? Do you dance naked while you’re cooking

Do you wait or do you initiate? What do you need as bait?

Can you tell someone you like that you like them? Urghhh, that was a challenging one for me recently, not sure if she likes me, so I held back from saying anything.

What scares the F…… outa you? Do it and release that internal glue.

Are you honest when someone asks you out, but don’t feel like it and you let them know that? Or do you make up an excuse like “my dogs sick.”

What makes you happy? What makes you feel crappy?

Who or what’s controlling your mind today? Are they thoughts of who you were yesterday?

Do you tell your truth, even if you don’t think others will agree with you?

Do you dance in public even if no one else is dancing? (Okay, that’s meeeeee, but it’s taken me awhile to be so free)

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What are you hiding about yourself that you don’t want others to see? Do you talk to the birds, the bees, the flowers and the trees? (YES, I do, and I have nothing to hide, call me crazy, that’s okay, this is one of my favorite things to do in this earthly play.)

What is your heart showing you today? Are you living the way you want to? Or are you just doing what you always do?

Don’t get to the end of your life and say “I wish I could have done……”

Our dreams are supposed to feel impossible and even crazy, they’re here to help us break out of our limited perceptions of who you are and our reality. Our dreams are to help us learn and grow, as we move along the journey in this earthly show. They’re helping us see, even more of WHO we were created to BE and what we CAN experience on our life journey.

Some people give up to soon and go back to their familiar cocoon. If this is you, I get it, I did this too. Until I said “I want to see what can BE, instead of doing the same ol thing.”

You’ve got what it takes to expand and grow, you’re divinely guided in this earthly show. You’re powerful and strong and goes what, you’re here, so you belong.

You have something unique to bring, it’s what makes you dance and sing. This is your souls gift to the world, to share with other boys and girls. BE true, BE you, yes, be true to you, but keep on discovering more of YOU, get it?

Who are today, is beautiful in every way. But who you’re BEcoming is even more exciting. Take some time to see, what’s going on internally. Be with yourself unconditionally and notice what’s asking for LOVE, healing and/or shifting. Notice what needs to be let go, so you can make room for something new to come into your show.

Hey, you’re amazing in every way, there will never be another you, your uniqueness is a gift, let it shine through.

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