If you have a vision, that vision was planted in you by the divinity, it’s yours to bring to this earthly reality. Water it, nurture it, pull out the weeds, ya know, those limiting beliefs.

That vision isn’t just for the world, it’s for you too, it’s to get to know more of amazing YOU. A win/win for everybody eh? That’s the beauty of this earthly play. This is a process, a great unfolding, enjoy each step as you move along your journey.

Don’t rush it my LOVES, let it take the shape it’s meant to take, surrender control and move into trust and faith. Take inspired action when you’re guided to, ask the universe to show you what to do and act right away, before the mind gets in the way.

You will hit bumps, which some people call resistance, showing you the subconscious interference. That’s okay, just don’t give up and call it a day, notice what’s happening, you’re coming up against a limiting belief, old hurt or pain that’s asking for shifting, loving and healing.

Keep on visualizing, believing and FEELING what it’s like to experience this vision. Be flexible and adaptable and don’t worry about the acceptance or non acceptance of other people; let go of outcome and just have fun.

We often get visions of something bigger then we’ve ever experienced or seen, this is the universe helping you and me, learn, grow expand in this earthly reality. You wouldn’t get the vision if it wasn’t possible for you, it’s yours to bring to earth school.

It’s your unique gift, no one else can do it. The energy will only flow through you in a way that your “soul signature” shines through. It may be similar to others, but no one is exactly the same, you’re important and you matter in this earthly game.

The goal is to be true to yourself and let everything else take care of itself. What does this mean? Get to know WHO you are at the core of your BEing by questioning your conditioning and healing any hurt or pain. This is an ongoing journey because we’re always learning, growing and evolving.

I wouldn’t see anything as “big or small” I would just say YES to your divine call.
It can be a scary thing to go “against” society’s ways and let our authenticity come out to play. We may or may not be accepted and some may see us as defected.

I know this personally, all I ever wanted was to BE me and let however I felt and expressed myself to be okay, we all just want to BE LOVED for who we are eh?

Why do so many people struggle with alcohol, drugs, eating disorders, depression and anxiety? It’s because they’re not honoring the truth at the core of their being, they’re suppressing and numbing how they’re feeling and moving more and more away from their authenticity.
But after a while you will ask yourself the question “why are you doing this in the first place?” Is it for the sake of sexual pleasure alone? But isn’t this type of pleasure hollow since you have the option of getting your package in a secure way. Our store ordine cialis on line

They try to be someone that others will like and this creates an internal fight. Soon enough they lose sense of SELF and turn to abusive behaviors that destroy their health.

This is a highly sensitive issue in the gay community, as so many religions teach that it’s a sin to be gay and so many parents of gay children abandon them because they don’t understand.

This is something I went through, it wasn’t easy and it was a great teacher for me to learn to LOVE myself unconditionally, no matter who does or doesn’t accept me, it’s actually made me a stronger “human being.”

It’s sad to see so many people fighting against themselves and who they were created to be. Many people where masks and try to fit in, by going along with the clan. Following what others do, so they can BE LOVED and accepted in earth school.

This is why self LOVE is so important today, with self LOVE we feel at ease, we no longer try to “please” we LOVE who we’re BEing and that’s the most important thing.

When we live in the knowing that we are LOVED, we feel more relaxed in our body glove. We’re able to do what comes naturally, even if it doesn’t fit into society. It doesn’t matter when we’re at peace inside, this is key in enjoying this earthly ride.

It may be scary at the beginning and it may take going through some healing to get to the loving. But you CAN do this if you choose, there’s a power, a presence, a light that lives in you, this is your TRUTH and it wants to shine through.

YOU are LOVED by the highest authority, the universe made you and your body. Let this truth BE felt in every cell and fiber of your BEing, YOU are a gift to humanity, YOU are beautiful and AMAZING.

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