When things don’t seem to be working for you like they used to, something has shifted in you, you’re ready for something new. Don’t fight it or judge yourself, this is actually a good thing, something magical is happening.

You’ve expanded internally and now it’s time to experience that expansion in your reality.

So often we try to do something “right away” because we can’t handle the “emptiness” in our earthly play. Or, we try to keep on doing what we’ve always done, even though it doesn’t feel right anymore; at least it’s “familiar.”

By doing so, we don’t get to see, what our higher selves is showing you and me. It’s in the emptiness and the nothingness that allows a divine emergence to happen, it’s time for us to experience a new earthly fashion.

Part of us will throw a fuss and try to control, because it wants to know. Know what? Know what will happen, know who we’ll be, it wants to hold onto its identity.

But maybe that’s why this is happening, to let go of our identity, allow ourselves to move into WHO we know ourSELVES to BE, god/source loving energy in a body.

This can be scary for many; as we’ve become accustomed to BEing a certain way, it’s how we know that we’re “safe.”
Do not drive or perform other buy cialis my link possible unsafe tasks until you know how you react to it.

When we open our spiritual eyes we will see, that the idea of physical safety, at least the way we perceive, only comes from a fearful part of you and me. What is safety? “The known.” But are we allowing something new to be shown? 

If we play it “safe” all the time, we’ll miss out on the golden treasure that we CAN find. The golden treasure is in the unknown and when we give ourselves a chance to see, we’ll experience something we never thought could be.

The key in moving through this time, is to stay connected to the LOVE of the divine. To comfort that part of you who might be frighted of something new. To notice what comes up for you that’s feels like emotional glue and bring compassion, LOVE and understanding to that part of you.

It’s such a great time to be alive, so many magical things are happening on our earthly ride. And in order for us to see, a new reality, it’s up to you and me. This can be something we create, but it doesn’t have to be, our loving energy can have an effect on the change we wish to see.

If this is something you’re going through, please be easy on you. Know that this is a good thing and that something magical is happening. You’re divinely guided, supported and LOVED, feel this now in your body glove. Let this be your “safety” and allow things to unfold naturally, you’ll BE amazed at what starts to happen in your earthly reality. You’ll experience so much more peace, joy and LOVE, living in heaven on earth just like the Angels above.

LOVEing you beautiful souls

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