Us human BEings are funny, we want what we want when we want it. We push away the lessons and we only want the blessings. But without the lessons learned, we really can’t enjoy the blessings.

Ya might be thinking, WTF is this girl talking about. Many of us are walking around with suppressed anger, hurt and pain that we’re not consciously aware of, and when it’s shown to us, we try to think a better thought or we blame the person who activated it.

Whatever we resist persists. If we don’t deal with our childhood wounds, that energy may become illness, addictions or pain in the body, sometimes it becomes rage and keeps us locked in a cage. It keeps us from BEing open and free and of sharing our gifts on this life journey.

If you’ve ever been around an angry person, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. When I’m around someone like that, I wonder what happened “to them.” No one is angry because they “choose” to be, something happened to them along the journey that they never dealt with and now they’re acting out because energy really can’t be suppressed.

If we do suppress our “negative” emotions, we’re creating energy blockages in our bodies, leading to all kinds of health issues.

There’s many ways we act out our anger, some people take it out on others, or, if you’re like me, I took it out on myself and abused my body. There’s nothing wrong with being angry, the key is to notice why, what’s happening deep inside. To notice what the anger is revealing, by going there we can experience a divine healing.

Do you want to BE free? It’s a choice we all have as we move along the journey on this earthly path. By allowing ourselves to feel, we can see our unconscious deals and what’s asking to BE healed. We can also see our souls lesson, what we came here to learn or transform, to break out of the family/worldly norm.
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Yes, there’s an energy that get’s passed down from generation to generation, it’s often our patterns of habituation. Things we don’t think about, we just do, we’re running on a program, the ways we’ve been conditioned to BE from our family, school and society.

If ya really wanna BE free, it’s important to heal anything that comes up along the journey. It’s not about looking for things to heal, at the right time they’ll BE revealed. This is what the transformational journey’s about, it’s about removing the fear and doubt so our energy can flow more freely, from the light of our inner BEing.

Ya know what’s really cool about earth school when ya see the bigger view, everything is serving me and you, wohoooo!

Loving you beautiful souls

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