
Unconditional receiving, WTF….. is this a new concept for ya? It is for me, well the wording is. This idea recently came to me as guidance for something that I was experiencing as well as in a few sessions with some of my clients. So, what exactly does unconditional receiving mean? Here’s a great example, say you’re wanting something to happen in a certain way and it’s not happening the way you want it to, what happens, do you give up and call it a day? Maybe what you want is coming in another way and in another form and in the essence of what you want, but you’re so determined to have it in a certain way that you block the flow from receiving it in a better or more suited way for YOU. What do I mean by this, well, sometimes what we think we want isn’t really in our highest good, yes, even a lot of money; breathe that’s right, breathe. I’m not saying having a lot of money is bad, just keep on reading and I’ll explain what I mean.

If we’re really trusting the universe and we believe that there’s a divine plan for our lives and that it’s all being orchestrated to assist us in our souls growth and evolution, then surrender and trust would be easy and it’s not for many of us. We want to control our situations, we’re caught in the hypnosis of the 3D reality of needing more, doing more, having things done in our time and our way instead of BEing okay with who we are and where we’re at on our journey. When we’re in acceptance of ourselves and what’s happening in our lives, we’re more relaxed, and when we’re more relaxed we’re better able to hear the voice of our heart and soul.

If we were given everything our ego wanted, which usually stems from fear or the idea of not being good enough, then it might create more havoc then freedom and joy. From the conscious thinking mind you might be thinking, “what’s this girl talking about, how could having more money create havoc, I would be the happiest person in the world.” To this I say, you might, but that happiness will be short lived if you’re not in alignment with it and if it takes you away from what your soul wants you to experience and learn. The money, fame, success etc. isn’t what we’re really wanting, those are just vehicles that we use to experience how we want to feel. For instance; what will having a lot of money bring you? Perhaps security, freedom, joy, a feeling of being taken care of etc. get it?

Doing the inner work is the way that we come into alignment with the truth at our core. I see many people find the belief that’s blocking them and just turn that belief around, that’s a great first step, but they don’t take it deeper. Whatever challenging experiences we’re having in our lives is coming from a core wound/belief and just shifting it is on the surface and might work for awhile, however if ya don’t shift it and heal at the core, the issue will often arise again. Most often the issue that we’re having today isn’t about what’s happening now, the issue triggered an unhealed aspect of ourselves that’s asking for our LOVE and attention so our energy can flow more freely.

Let me give ya another way of understanding this information. Say for instance you have a friend/lover whom you’ve had a very deep soul connection with and all of the sudden your relationship starts to change. You don’t feel the same connection that you once had, you feel sad because you miss sharing in that way. Then you go out and they want to buy you things but you don’t care about those things, you just want to have that deep connection again. You get mad at them because they’re not acting in the ways that you want them to, you want an emotional connection and their way of connecting is material. Many people will ask you “how is this a mirror of your relationship with yourself?” To this I would say, it might not be a mirror, it might be a blessing in disguise showing us a childhood wound that’s being brought to the surface, what? yep, a core belief/wound that’s asking for our attention, a part of us that’s asking to be LOVED, healed and integrated. If you allow yourself to fully feel what you’re feeling and you ride that feeling back to the very first time that you felt that way, you’ll be shown what the real issue is. Most often if it’s being played out in one area of our lives, it’s also being played out in other areas of our lives as well. Perhaps not in the same way, but the feeling and the essence of it is the same. “How we do anything is usually how we do everything.”

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Say you ride that feeling back to when you were a child and you recognize that your parents always bought you “stuff” but they weren’t there for you emotionally. You felt angry as a child because you didn’t want “stuff” you wanted to be recognized, validated and LOVED. At this point what did you conclude this meant about you? Perhaps the idea that “I’m unlovable.” There ya go, you got to the core wound, now you can shift that energy that says “I’m unlovable” into “I’m lovable.” But that’s only the first step, now you need to find evidence of why this is true, get your conscious and subconscious in agreement, bring LOVE, compassion and understanding to the younger you and assist them in growing up with this new energy of I’m Lovable. As you meditate on this feeling daily with joy and excitement you’re now shifting the vibration in your energy field and soon your life will flow more easily and naturally. By doing deeper work you’ll find that you’re happy whether you manifest what you want or not and most often what you want comes more easily and naturally.

As you can see, “I’m lovable” is really what you we’re wanting to feel. So instead of trying to change another person, you can now thank them for showing you what was going on deep inside and you can LOVE and accept them for who they are and receive whatever they bring to your life unconditionally, yahooo, now you’re living in unconditional LOVE for yourself, everyone and everything.

Be easy on you, this is a process. Once you align with the LOVE inside, life becomes a glorious ride.

Loving you beautiful souls


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