Have you ever heard the expression “The world is a mirror of our relationship with ourselves?” Ya, I learned that one too, and it’s true, however, I invite you to look at another idea as well, are ya ready? What if you changed the idea from “The world is a mirror of your relationship with yourself” to “The world is your teacher, pay attention.” Here’s why, not everything is a mirror of our relationship with ourselves, however, everything offers us something that we can learn about ourselves and how we manage our energy. By taking the time to FEEL into what we’re experiencing instead of using our logic and reason to analyze it, we’ll have a better understanding of what the experience is showing/teaching us.

Here’s an example; let’s use Justin Bieber, he’s a really successful singer in the worldly sense. Now, he has millions of people who like his music and many who don’t, is this a reflection of him or is it a way for him to accept that not everyone will like his music and to continue to honor himself and share his gifts in the world. From my perception, he seems very confident in himself and what he does and he LOVES his music and so do I, I think he’s a very talented artist. I’m sure he has many lessons to learn as we all do, no one is exempt from learning and growing, it doesn’t matter the “vehicle/physical form” we choose to learn our lessons here.

Let me give you another example, this one is the mirror effect. Say you’re someone who criticizes and judges yourself and your core belief is “I’m not good enough” and you notice that many people are criticizing and judging you too. Instead of getting mad at “them” if you feel into the experience, you’ll realize that this is a reflection of your relationship with yourself and it’s giving you an opportunity to heal, shift your perceptions and point of view and LOVE and embrace all of you.

Too often may of us are so quick to figure things out right away so we can move on. Where the F….. are you going? You’re always with you, when you really understand this, you can relax and notice what you’re experiencing and the lessons you’re learning and growing through. Seeing things from a human perspective is often tainted and quite defective. Seeing our situations from the idea that they’re helping us learn and grow allows resistance falls away and we can listen to what our soul has to say.

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I get it, some challenges are more difficult then others, but when push comes to shove and we add a little or a lot of LOVE, we’ll feel more relaxed in our body glove. The idea that anything outside of us is hurting us is giving us clues. Clues to the beliefs we hold inside that are creating our life experiences on this earthly ride. So, pay attention to what’s happening today and see what you can learn in a LOVING way. Remember, that it’s not always a mirror, it can be a way to remind you to honor YOU, a test per sey, to see how you’ll manage your energy. Are you going to close your heart or keep it open and LOVE yourself and others even when they’re not loving or accepting you.

Be easy on you my child my dear, it’s all about moving into LOVE and away from fear. We came here to get to the core of our BEing so we can easily and naturally dance and sing. Dance and sing to our heart and soul and feel the radiance of our inner glow. So, pay attention to what life is showing you today and be open to listening to what your soul has to say. The answers are within, this is the best place to begin. The lessons will turn into blessings eventually, don’t ya wanna truly BE free? Free to BE true to you and enjoy everything that you do. Free to live in peace and LOVE, just like the Angels in heaven above.

You can do this, I believe in you and I LOVE YOU

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