First and foremost be easy and gentle with yourself and treat yourself as if you were the most Beautiful, Valuable and precious person in the world, because YOU are.

Life is a process, if you experience a challenge or negative feeling, be easy on you and remember that how you relate to yourself while going through the issue IS really the issue. Remind yourself that the challenge is a blessing, it’s showing you something you believe that’s out of alignment with your true Self, it’s here to help you heal, learn, grow and expand into the greater YOU. You might want to ask yourself “What am I believing is true about me in relation to this situation that’s making me feel so bad?” And shift that idea to what you KNOW to be true about beautiful you.

Remind yourself that all of your experiences serve a purpose. See what you can learn from them; notice the blessings, lessons, gifts, joys and strengths that come from them.

Forgive yourself for any judgments you’ve made about yourself or others and bring compassion and love to the parts inside that are hurting. All LOVE begins with Self LOVE.

Surround yourself with people who support and love you unconditionally, those who see the best in you and allow you to have your own feelings and experiences without trying to change them.

Allow yourself to experience all of your feelings without pushing them down, numbing out or judging yourself for having them. Once you allow yourself to experience your feelings, you’ll be able to receive the messages they are bringing. This can open a door to tremendous insight, guidance, learning and healing. Most often when we LOVE what arises, we automatically move into a higher vibration.

Become a compassionate observer of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Say “Isn’t that interesting that when I think and feel ____ I, or “Isn’t that interesting that when I do____ I _____” As you watch yourself as a compassionate observer, you’ll be amazed at the wonderful insights you’ll have into the beliefs and perceptions that are creating your experiences, giving you an opportunity to change them if you choose. Awareness is the first step. All experiences are neutral, we’re the ones who give meaning to what we’re experiencing.

Start to listen to the thoughts you think and the words you speak. Play around with new thoughts and words and as you do, notice how you feel in your body. For instance, if you say “It’s too hard to_____” you might want to consider saying “What if it was easy to______ what would that be like?”

Speak your truth with love regardless how you might think others will respond. It might be frightening at first, so start in the easiest places, the more you do it, the easier it will become.

Talk to your symptoms, eating disorder/addiction or anything that is bothering you and ask it why it’s in your life, let it reveal to you its purpose. Work with this part of you in finding new and healthy ways that are more beneficial for who you are today.

When feeling upset, anxious or overwhelmed; write about it. Just write anything that comes to mind, it doesn’t have to make sense. The point is to get it out of your system so you don’t act out in destructive behaviors. This can also assist you in becoming aware of any beliefs, judgments or misunderstandings you might be holding in consciousness. When you’re done writing you have the option to either tear up the paper right away or read and circle any judgments, beliefs or misunderstandings that no longer serve you and on a new sheet of paper write down new ways of thinking, feeling and acting that represent your new way of being and practice it daily.

Next, create an affirmation that aligns you with this new belief and then tear up your first writings. Now, go into your heart space and breathe the love from your heart into every cell and fiber of your being, filling yourself with love. You might want to consider holding yourself and saying “I love you” or “I love me.” You also might want to consider saying your new affirmation throughout the day with positive, joyful emotion and envisioning the new you, reprogramming your mind and body to respond in a new way.

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Spend time in silence and meditation, quieting the thoughts in your mind allows an opening to receive divine inspiration and connect with your inner wisdom, your higher Self. There’s a wise and loving being inside of you who has many answers to your life and loves you unconditionally.

Everyday do something new, even if it’s just getting out of bed on a different side. Once your subconscious becomes familiar with change, it will be more open to experiencing more of it.

Every morning make a list of five or more of things that you’re grateful for and five or more qualities you like about yourself. This can assist you in having a wonderful and positive day.

Become aware of your self talk, feelings and actions. If you find yourself speaking, thinking or acting in unloving ways, take a deep breath, forgive yourself and ask yourself “What’s a more loving way I can be with myself right now?” Take that action and practice it until it becomes your natural state of being.

If you find yourself comparing yourself to others, remind yourself that you were made to be you, no one could do you like you. Your authenticity is a valuable piece of the Divine puzzle. We each came into this life with unique talents and gifts and different growth assignments.

Be careful about the comparison trap and looking at the worldly facts. Instead, follow your heart and soul and let your uniqueness flow.

As you move through your day and meet people, look for things you like and appreciate. Ask yourself “What do I like about this situation or person?” or “What is good about this?” Practice doing this until it becomes your dominant focus.

When making a decision ask yourself “What would someone who LOVES themselves do?”

Find a picture or pictures of yourself at a younger age and place it where you can see it daily. You might want to hold and speak to him/her with love; this sweet soul wants your compassion and Unconditional Love. The younger one inside is actually running the show and when they feel safe and loved you’ll be amazed on how much easier your life will flow.

Imagine what it would be like to LOVE yourself unconditionally and treat yourself as the most beautiful, valuable and precious person in the world. You’re living the life that you desire and you’re walking in the world feeling LOVED and lovable What would you do? How would you act? How would you feel? How would you speak to yourself and others? How would you think? How would other people respond to you? Who would you be? Get a vivid image of who YOU are now becoming and the life that you are now stepping into. Image this daily and watch how magically you start to line up with the real YOU.

This is a process, you’re on a wonderful journey of LOVE, expansion and discovering more of who you truly are; make it your intention everyday to be easy, gentle and loving with yourself. You are a precious gift; take some time to get to know the Beautiful, Valuable and Lovable Divine Being you are. You are already perfect; you have all the qualities inside you to be you. You deserve to live a Happy and Joy filled life full of Fun, Love, Peace, Abundance and well being, YOU ARE WORTH IT and you are very, very LOVED.

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