Have you ever read or wrote something a week, a month, a year or many years ago, it’s something you knew and then you read it recently and now you KNOW?

This is how we expand in consciousness. The seed gets planted, it opens us up, however, we’re not quite in alignment with it. As we do the inner work things start to shift inside, we remove the barriers and shift our beliefs to align with what our heart wants to achieve. Each time we water, nurture and feed the seed, it starts to sprout into an amazing energy.

This isn’t something we force or try to control, it’s about removing the barriers to our inner glow. It’s about noticing the difference between our conditioning and listening to what our heart is saying.

By learning how to BE with ourselves in loving ways, we can relax and let ourSELF unfold in its natural way. This is what it means to have a healing, we experience a divine revealing. It opens us to our TRUTH inside and this truth knows all about our life.

Many times we try to control the outer, we use affirmations to “make things happen.” I get it, I’ve been there too, but true shifts happen when our consciousness shifts, not just using words, but our whole BEing uplifts.

Once we connect to our true source and we allow it to guide us on our course, we’re given everything we need to enjoy our lives and live our heartfelt dreams.

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Trusting in the divine, allows us to flow like a peaceful rhyme. Will there be obstacles along the way, yep, this is how we learn and grow in this earthly play. Once ya believe, I mean really believe that everything works together for good for you and me, it’s then that you’ll be able to embrace the “good/bad and ugly” equally.

This journey can BE amazing my LOVES and ya can feel at peace in your body glove. It just takes a willingness to look within and to become your own loving friend. To notice what is and isn’t serving, and guess what? You’re already worthy and deserving. This doesn’t come from anything of this world, it’s the truth of every man, woman, boy and girl.

So, what do ya say, are you ready to play? Are you ready to embrace where you’re at today in the most loving and gentle ways? Are you ready to learn and grow and celebrate this gift of BEing alive in this earthly show? Are you ready to say YES I CAN, I am able, I’m ready to live a more loving fable?

If you said YES to any or all of these today,
I’m cheering ya on in every way.
You CAN do this, I believe in you and I LOVE YOU

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