Everything happens for a reason

Have you ever been in a situation where it didn’t go the way you planned and then it turned out even better? Or perhaps you learned something that was beneficial for your healing, growth and evolvement. We often can’t see the bigger picture, we just want what we want when we want it. There’s so much more going on then what we’re seeing from our limited point of view. I recently read an article from a coach who had an interesting perspective about clients and how they might not be ready and that’s why the coaches program “didn’t work” for them. I would question that, it might have not turned out the way the coach or the client wanted from the human perspective, however there’s always a great learning in EVERYTHING. There are no accidents, and “coincidences” are actually arranged by our soul. When two people or more are involved, it’s a great learning for ALL concerned. Some might call this soul contracts.

Sometimes when things don’t work out the way we want them to, it’s an opportunity to expand our point of view, see other possibilities and shift our thinking and believing. For instance, say you’ve applied for many jobs, you keep trying to go back to the same type of work and you don’t get hired, maybe you’re being guided on a new path towards a new career or lifestyle. Or perhaps you feel that you need something or someone in order to be happy or fulfilled, so maybe not getting this brings you back to YOU and your connection to source. Once we’ve learned to accept the “good” or “bad” equally, we are free. Once we learn to choose LOVE instead of fear, the lessons we needed in order to embody the energy of LOVE will stop showing up. Get it?

There’s always a silver lining in everything. All of our experiences are catalysts for us to learn, grow, evolve and get to know ourselves at a deeper level. You might look at someone else’s life and say “If i had…… then I’d be happy.” Is that really true? You don’t know what they’re going through inside and what they came here to learn. We each have a path that we arranged or maybe I can say that our soul arranged that is perfect for what we came here to experience. If what you want is in alignment with our soul’s blueprint, it will happen, if it’s not, it won’t, or it might but it’s often a disaster. That’s why getting into alignment with your soul is so valuable, you’ll be able to experience more peace and flow more easily with the process of life. Will there still be challenges and lessons to learn, yes and you’ll see it from the perspective of “Hey, I know this is happening for a reason, I’m going to be with this energy and see what it’s teaching me, what’s asking to be healed or how its showing me where my thinking and believing is out of alignment.” In this state you’ll be happier and more fulfilled then when you’re trying to make things happen from the ideas of the ego or comparing yourself to others with the idea that you’re not “good enough.” And to this is say, not only are you “good enough” YOU’RE FRICKEN AMAZING just as you are. There’s nothing you need to do to prove your worth, you’re worthy because you are you. YOU ARE LOVED beyond measure, you’re a gift, a golden treasure.

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I invite you to pause when you “think” that something’s lacking or not going your way. You might want to ask yourself “What is the lesson here, what’s really going on? What can I shift inside to see it in the way my higher self see’s it?” Only with self inquiry can we set ourselves free. Remember, manifestations happen when they’re in alignment with our souls blue print. Sometimes there’s lessons we need to learn before they happen, but if it’s part of our soul’s blueprint, they will happen and in Divine order. For instance; if you believe money is abundance and you’re trying to manifest money and it’s not happening right now, what’s the message? I would say that learning that YOU are abundance, so be with the eternal YOU that’s abundance, take the focus off of the outer and make the inner louder, feel the essence of abundance. It’s not really about the material things anyway, it’s the the way we believe they make us FEEL is what we really want to experience. We think that the success, fame, fortune, money etc. will bring fulfillment and it might momentarily, but it’s short lived. Am I saying “don’t focus on what you want?” Heck no, that’s not what I’m saying here. What I’m saying is that if you don’t get what you “think you want” from our human perspective, know that there’s something even greater going on, be with that energy and see what the silver lining is. Every experience we have is just that, “an experience.” It’s not good or bad, right or wrong, that’s just another man made song. We say what things mean and this determines how we’ll feel and experience our situations. If you’re basing your self worth on material things, perhaps not getting what you want will help you to see that YOU are worthy no matter what you have or do.

This really is an amazing journey, all of it, yes, the joys, the blessings, the pitfalls, the pain, the sadness, the bliss, all the feelings that move through us, it’s all part of the journey, helping us to learn, grow and expand into more of WHO we truly are. Be easy on you, the conditioning might be covering up what is real and true, this is why questioning everything you’ve learned and believe is true is so valuable. How do you think the universe see’s life? Just something to ponder.

Celebrate everything, especially your challenges, they’re helping you get free by showing you places inside that are no longer serving you on this earthly ride.


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