Have you ever tried to “program” your mind to create a certain image of you? This technique is used by many and one that I learned at hypnosis school. But what does it mean to “Program” your mind? Are you trying to BE something else then who you are, building a “superficial self” according to who you think you “should” be in order to be accepted and LOVED in this earthly reality?

The spiritual journey isn’t about programming our mind so we can BE a certain way, it’s about clearing a way so our Divine pattern CAN flow through us today, get it? A dog can’t be a chicken and a goose can’t be a horse, trying to be something we’re not gets us off course. Our true SELF isn’t something we get, but it’s something we let. You might be thinking “WTF is this girl talking about, let?”

There’s a power and Divine presence inside all of us here and yes, even those who are living in fear. The challenge for many is we have barriers in the way, ideas, beliefs and concepts we’ve picked up in this earthly play. These barriers are beliefs we hold about what we learned and what we were told about who we “should be” and this is how we’ve created our identity. We use this “identity” to base what we can or can’t do and what we can or can’t have as we walk this earthly path. Most often we’ve become so accustomed to living this way and we hold on tight even if it isn’t serving us. Can you relate?

Why do we hold on tight? We’ve become comfortable with what we know and we have a built in survival mechanism to protect the status quo. Hey, maybe you’re living in alignment with your Divinity and to this I say GREAT, you’ve probably healed the inner debate. For those of you who feel like something is off center, if you’re numbing yourself with drugs, alcohol, food, smoking etc. they hey, it’s time to clear a way eh? The way to do this is to go inside, notice where you and your Divine SELF collide. How is how you’re living serving you, pay attention to your inner wisdom, it will give you your clues. Who are you identifying yourself to BE in this earthly reality? Are you basing who you are on what you have or do, your struggles and addictive behaviors or are you basing it on the Divine pattern inside of you? Perhaps it’s both, only you know if you’re living in alignment with your inner glow. If you’’re not, are you now ready to clear a way for your divine SELF to flow through you today? Are you ready to remove the doubt and fear and allow your true SELF to guide and steer?
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So, how do we allow our divine pattern to flow through? There are many techniques that can help you. I would encourage you to do the inner work so your energy can flow naturally. Heal the blocks of pain, hurt, blame and shame that you’ve experienced in this earthly game. Bring compassion and LOVE to the parts that are hurting inside and make LOVE and loving be the place where you confide. This is a process, but soon you’ll BE experiencing who you truly are underneath the pain and scars.

There’s a light in you that wants to shine, YOU are made from the LOVE of the Divine. You were made to BE beautiful you, no one can do what you can do. You were born with a uniqueness to bring, it’s what makes you dance and sing. It’s your truth inside, let this truth guide you on this earthly ride.

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