Awakening to Unconditional Love: Transformational Healing 

In her book Awakening to Unconditional Love, Transformational Healing, Debra shares with you in a creative fashion the loving guidance from her inner knowing.

Each page is unique unto itself and brings brings forth profound wisdom, clarity, love and guidance that has assisted her in having new perceptions and realities; moving from just understanding the question or issue into the place where it transforms; ultimately experiencing wholeness and Unconditional Love.

Debra is a spiritual seeker and loves learning and expanding in consciousness. She’s aware that having triggers or negative thoughts aren’t bad, that they are showing us places inside where we’ve disconnected from our source, narrowed our point of view and have identified with certain thoughts, feelings, beliefs and perceptions. These emotions are actually a gift; they are assisting us in becoming aware of the thoughts and feelings that aren’t in alignment with who we truly are. Acknowledging these aspects with compassion and Love ultimately brings forth a sense of inner peace; allowing a loving integration to naturally take place.

Debra’s intention in sharing her writings with you is that you find some recognition of your own path, you are guided to what is right for you, you begin to and continue to Love and accept yourself unconditionally, you give yourself the opportunity to open to your own inner knowing and discover the tremendous amount of Love, Wisdom and Guidance that’s already within you and you’re Inspired, Uplifted and filled with Healing and Loving Energy. 


Falling In Love With Yourself, Aligning With Your Natural State of Being

Since her earliest memory Debra felt very different from others, often lonely, frightened and misunderstood. For over a quarter of a century she was in and out of hospitals and treatment centers struggling with severe anorexia, self hatred and self abuse.

After finding no success in treatment Debra eventually took her healing into her own hands and found herself on a spiritual journey. In falling in LOVE with yourself, aligning with your natural state of being, Debra shares with you in a poetic fashion processes that have helped her and her clients move from merely understanding into living in the loving. Debra easily and naturally guides you in loving ways allowing you to experience Self Love, inner peace and alignment with your natural state of being, the LOVE within


Divine Guidance, Aligning With Your Heart and Soul 

In her book Divine Guidance, Debra shares with you in a creative fashion, a collection of channeled writings that were written through her that has assisted her in aligning with her heart and soul.

Although these writings were addressed to her, they’re not exclusively for her, she’s sharing them with beautiful souls like you, to inspire you to awaken to your deepest truth.

Each page and writings are unique unto itself and offers great wisdom, insights and new ideas that helps you expand your point of view of who you are and what you can experience and do. It also helps you heal unresolved issues so more peace, LOVE, joy, creativity and abundance can flow through.

It was written to help you BE free, so your energy can flow more naturally, from the light of your inner BEing.

Divine guidance is a tool that can assist you as you move through earth school. It helps you feel okay, no matter what’s happening in your earthly play.

As she opens herself to receive guidance from the unseen, Debra turns challenges into blessings, just like alchemy, so more LOVE and light can BE felt and seen.
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Debra says “Finding our connection to the Divine is the greatest LOVE we’ll ever find. This happens naturally, as we do our inner healing.”

She says “In the healing is the loving, in the loving is the healing and living in LOVE brings forth a divine revealing.”


A Poetic Journey Into Peace and LOVE, Living In Heaven On Earth Just Like The Angels Above 

Have you ever wanted to receive guidance in a way that’s right for you and enter into the magic of your true magnificence. In A Poetic Journey Into Peace And Love, Living In Heaven On Earth Just Like The Angels Above, Debra shares with you in a poetic fashion the loving guidance that easily and naturally flows through her, assisting her in aligning with her natural state of being, the Love within. Debra’s intention in sharing her poems with you is that you find some recognition of your own path, you’re guided to what’s right for you and you’re inspired, uplifted and filled with Healing and Loving energy.


Rampages of LOVE

Are you ready to lift your vibration and feel the joy of loving sensations? Are you ready to live the life that you desire and do the things that light your fire? Do you want to release weight, stop smoking, attract more money? Are you ready to experience peace and LOVE, just like the Angels in heaven above?

These rampages of LOVE were written just for you, why, because our state of being and what we focus on determines the quality of our lives. Since our behaviors and actions are determined by our emotional state, which is how we feel, when we shift our emotional state our vibration lifts and when our vibration lifts we connect with the LOVE within and when we connect with the LOVE within we feel good and when we feel good we get excited and when we get excited we start to feel even better and when we start to feel even better our energy flows and when our energy flows we’re open to higher guidance, ideas flow to us easily and naturally, the right people, places and circumstances show up in our lives, we’re divinely guided, we have a sense of freedom, we feel invincible, we start to enjoy our lives even more, we feel motivated and we make better choices for our health and well-being.


Poetic Healing

Have you ever wanted to express yourself easily and naturally, find answers to questions you might be pondering and get in touch with the deeper truth at the core of your being?

In her book Poetic Healing Debra shares a collection of her poems where she allows her feelings to flow and receives profound clarity, guidance, love and healing assisting her in her transformational journey and Awakening to Unconditional Love.

Debra’s intention in sharing her poems with you is that you find some recognition of your own path, you find whatever ways are right for you to experience and express your Unique and Beautiful nature and you’re Inspired, Uplifted and filled with Healing and Loving Energy.



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