Have you ever wanted something, but ya just didn’t see it happening? I know, urgghhh, that can be frustrating eh? We set a goal, we have a dream and we want it NOW to BE seen, but we forget that it’s about the journey, our souls growth and learning.

Jumping to step 10 before we take step two, is “breaking the rules.” Not to say there’s an order here, however, there is a divine order happening and it’s for our greater good. Every step is an important part of the journey, we’re learning, growing, awakening and healing. We’re being prepared along the way, all ingredients make a tasty cake, leave one out and the cake won’t BE the same.

“WTF is this girl talking about? I just want to have a thriving and successful business, a beautiful home on the beach, lots and lots of money and beautiful honey.” Us humans are funny eh? We think when we have these things “then we’ll be happy.” We base our worthiness on what we have or do, yes, I understand we have needs too.

It’s hard to function when we’re in survival mode and when we’re in survival mode it’s challenging to surrender to the divine flow. If you’re in this space today, I get it, I’ve been there too, I’m sending lots of LOVE to you.

Here’s the deal, it’s not about effort or trying to control, IT IS about noticing what’s going on below, our subconscious is running our show. Our core beliefs determine how we experience and see our reality.

What does that mean? Just thinking good thoughts or saying affirmations today, may make us feel good, but in order to see a new reality, we need to shift our subconscious programming. Our root (core beliefs) is what’s creating our fruit (reality).

If we have a core belief of “being a failure, unworthy, unlovable or undeserving” then no matter how much effort we do, we’ll sabotage what we say we want have, experience and do. (we’re not doing this consciously)

Until we bring the unconscious to our conscious awareness, life will continue to “feel like a struggle” why? Because our subconscious is more powerful. Coming into alignment means, shifting our subconscious programming (if necessary) and bringing LOVE to the parts that are hurting. It means moving into our deepest TRUTH where joy, LOVE, authenticity, abundance, creativity and freedom is natural for me and you.

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I think we create unnecessary stress by comparing ourselves to other human beings. We see them having the life we desire and doing the things that light their fire and here we’re feeling stuck and wanting to tell them “Shut the F….. up” But instead of doing that, we take a deep breath, send them LOVE and celebrate what’s happening in their life today.

Oh my LOVES, this human experience can be challenging at times, but if we hang in there, golden treasure we find. The golden treasure is living from the core of our BEing, doing what makes our souls dance and sing and LOVE is flowing freely. Ya see that these aren’t material things. Material things are just a bonus for us to enjoy our physical reality, but without feeling the TRUTH at the core of our being, things won’t make us “happy.”

We’re always in a state of BEcoming and once we realEYES everything we’ve been looking for is inside and we find it within, something magical begins. Life becomes more enjoyable day by day, we feel more relaxed in every way, we live in trust and faith and we follow what our souls want to create without needing an outcome to happen a certain way, oh ya I say.

Where we are is exactly where we need to BE, everything is serving in our spiritual awakening. When we let go of judging, comparing and punishing ourselves for what’s happening today and we see the lesson, the blessing in everything, we start to experience even more of WHO we were created to BE.

When we’re following our souls path, we don’t need to do the math, our heart will show us our daily tasks.

You can do this my LOVES, it’s all okay, you are beautiful and lovable in every way, you’re a prize in the universe’s eyes and the universe wants you to live a happy, abundant and LOVE filled life.

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